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Access and technology catalogue


iNEXT-Discovery offers different kinds of access services to help as many researchers as possible with their experiments for structural biology.

Users that are already experienced structural biologists and/or know which research facility they want to go to with their samples, may submit via the so-called Technology Tracks for NMR, EM and X-rays. In addition, fragment/ligand screening, biophysics, some non-standard NMR, EM and X-ray methodology as well as some exciting new structural biology applications have been grouped as Signature Access.

iNEXT-Discovery access is in principle cross-border for stimulating an EU-harmonising spirit. Exceptionally, applications for EMBL-access can be from the same country as where the EMBL-institute is. Our Technology Tracks and our Signature access selection pathways could lead to the same facility. In case you do not know which access route to choose, please contact facility staff listed on this page, or iNEXT-Discovery central.


The scheme below shows the iNEXT-Discovery Technology Track and Signature Access opportunities that were implemented in Instruct-ERIC's administration system ARIA. More information about access provision can be found here.

Facility access can be supported by expert staff in many different ways. They can receive and measure samples or host visitors on-site. If needed or requested they can be optimising experiments to get the best data, but also do not hesitate to contact the staff before proposal submission to find out if they are willing to be involved in data processing, analyses, etc.

Obviously, in case you have remarks about our access portfolio or implementation, or if you may require structural biology access that is not listed below, please contact us or facility research staff directly to find if there are possibilities!


 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Solid state NMR (ssNMR) for structure characterisation and interaction studies on e.g.  cellular systems and membrane proteins.

Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Grenoble (FR)

Not from January 2024 onwards: Lyon (FR), Utrecht (NL)

  Solution NMR for biomolecular spectral assignments, interactions and structure determination.

Brno (CZ), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Grenoble (FR)

Not from January 2024 onwards: Utrecht (NL)

 Electron Microscopy (EM) High-end single particle cryo-EM data collection (pre-requisite: good 2D-class averages).

Aarhus (DK), Brno (CZ), Harwell (UK), Heidelberg (DE), Leeds (UK), Leiden (NL), Madrid (ES), Strasbourg (FR)

  Cryo-EM Proof of concept for samples potentially suitable for cryo-EM single particle structure determination; to prepare 2D class averages (pre-requisites: gel showing sample purity, gel filtration profile). Aarhus (DK), Brno (CZ), Heidelberg (DE), Leeds (UK), Leiden (NL), Madrid (ES), Strasbourg (FR)
 X-ray methods Macromolecular X-ray crystallography (MX) for characterising samples, collecting and processing high-quality diffraction data (either remotely or on-site).

Berlin (DE), Harwell (UK), Paris (FR)

Not from January 2024 onwards: Hamburg (DE), Grenoble (FR)

  Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) for characterizing sample shapes in solution (either mail-in or on-site).

Harwell (UK), Paris (FR)

Not from January 2024 onwards: Hamburg (DE)

 FBLD Fragment or ligand screening for lead discovery by X-ray crystallography or NMR, e.g. with proteins and RNAs using 'our' DSI-poised library.

MX: Berlin (DE), Lund (SE), Harwell (UK)

NMR: Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE)

Not from January 2024 onwards: Grenoble (FR)

 Macromolecular Interactions (MI) Biophysics methods to quantify steady-state or transient kinetics (fluorescence, MALLS, SPR, ITC, MST). Amsterdam (NL)
 ET/CLEM Electron Tomography and CLEM for structural information about cells, organelles, subcellular structures and macromolecular assemblies. Brno (CZ), Harwell (UK), Heidelberg (DE), Leeds (UK), Leiden (NL), Strasbourg (FR)
 X-ray Imaging X-ray Imaging: correlative cryo-fluorescence and cryo-soft X-ray tomography to characterise molecules in the context of intact cells at 20-40 nm resolution.

Harwell (UK)

Not from January 2024 onwards: Barcelona (ES)

 In-cell NMR In-cell NMR to study molecules in the context of intact (living!) cells or isolated organelles.

Brno (CZ), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE)

Not from January 2024 onwards: Lyon (FR), Utrecht (NL)

 SFX Serial / nano-crystallography for obtaining atomic-level protein information, without the need for large protein crystals. Harwell (UK), Lund (SE)
 Long wavelength MX Long wavelength MX, for making S-SAD phasing approaches accessible even for the most challenging problems. Harwell (UK)