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Our services for industry


!!! The iNEXT-Discovery project ended on July 31, 2024 !!!

Many of our structural biology services will remain available through Instruct-ERIC.


iNEXT-Discovery structural biology services are not just for academics, researchers from industry - either small or large companies - are always more than welcome to make use of our training and access opportunities. They are essential to drive structural-biology driven innovation, and make several networking activities a success! Below, our versatile offer for company researchers has been summarised. Don't hesitate to contact us directly with questions or for more information.



One particular goal of iNEXT-Discovery project is to make European life scientists and others aware of the enormous power and benefits of structural biology methodology as an indispensable tool for translational research, innovation and exploitation.

Besides with apparatus manufacturers, for decades iNEXT-Discovery research facilities offer their services to researchers from companies, and industry has always been engaging strongly with facility staff, the expert users of the highest-end available structural biology equipment. Such open atmosphere does not only lead to company researchers using access services, perhaps even more importantly they feed discussions from a company perspective, their structural biology programs, and possibly even strategic investments in the purchase of expensive research equipment and expertise.

Company researchers that like more information about high-end structural biology research methods and iNEXT-Discovery services, please contact us. Also, don't hesitate to contact our facility staff to directly discuss your ideas!


Industry Panel

iNEXT-Discovery invited representatives of manufacturers of structural biology equipment and users of services, from larger and smaller companies to form our independent Industry Panel. This versatile group is very active and frequently present at our events. They are an essential asset by assisting us with discussions on demands, desires and suggestions from the private sector, in order to improve our networking and access services and become increasingly attractive also for researchers from companies!

Marcel Blommers

Saverna Therapeutics

Zdenek Hostomsky

Academy of Sciences (CZ)

Magali Mathieu

Sanofi Aventis

Marc Storms

ThermoFisher Scientific

Sophie Zimmermann





Besides participating in our regular theoretical and practical courses and workshops, researchers from companies can visit iNEXT-Discovery facilities to receive hands-on training under expert supervision. Such training could include data acquisition, processing and analysis, but in some cases applying for access through our access portal is a pre-requisite. If you are interested, in this opportunity, please contact us directly.





Even though all access portals are open for researchers from companies, our access portfolio includes some specific possibilities that might be more attractive to them. Access services include for instance fragment and ligand screening, but we imagine that also in many other situations the highest-end structural biology equipment and expertise available could be a good starting point to address specific research topics!


iNEXT-Discovery company access comes in three different flavors



Either after direct contacts, or - if desired - mediated by the iNEXT-Discovery Project Manager, company researchers can discuss access provision with facility staff. After such initial 'match-making' iNEXT-Discovery is out of the equation, and company and facility are free to negotiate details for "Paid-for-Access" (also with Confidential Agreements if desired).

If you're interested, please contact us directly or go look up facility contacts here! One could also go here, register with Instruct-ERIC and select the lowest portal (Registration is merely used as a statistic for the EC).



For projects that are somewhat privacy- or IPR-sensitive, company researchers can submit proposals that will be evaluated by external reviewers with signed Confidentiality Agreements. These reviewers will be the only externals to judge your proposed research for scientific merit, and after acceptance the proposal is forwarded to the requested facility.

For this access possibility, EC-regulations dictate that the 'intention to publish the data obtained through iNEXT-Discovery access' remains. Also, through this path iNEXT-Discovery facilities cannot reimburse applicants for their traveling, accommodation or shipment of samples. Applications for this pipeline can be submitted here after registration with Instruct-ERIC (Select ' Industry-Publish' button at the bottom of the page).


3. THE 'STANDARD ACCESS' PORTAL (also used for academics)

The entire iNEXT-Discovery access catalogue is open for researchers from academia and the private sector. Following our standard pipeline, researchers from companies that visit facilities are eligible to be reimbursed for their traveling, accommodation or shipment of samples (Access Guidelines).

Also here EC regulations require registration and external peer-reviewing for every submitted access proposal, and the company researchers should have the intention to publish the obtained research data (except SMEs). More information is found here, your applications can be submitted here.