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!!! The iNEXT-Discovery project ended on July 31, 2024 !!!

Many of our structural biology services will remain available through Instruct-ERIC.


iNEXT-Discovery was a structural biology project funded from the European Commission Horizon 2020 scheme that ended on July 31, 2024. The partnership involved top-notch European academics that efficiently built on the first iNEXT consortium. iNEXT-Discovery made X-rays, NMR, cryo-EM and macromolecular biophysics access services available to external user communities, often researchers without prior experience in the field. Together, the partners developed also methods through joint research, that provide integration of structural biology methods and they reached out to others through meetings, theoretical courses, and practical workshops.

Some slides about the iNEXT-Discovery project can be found here, a wonderful short promotional movie for more details is here.

The output from the iNEXT-Discovery project is collected here.


These are the people that oversaw all iNEXT-Discovery activities and the groups involved in the project.


  Project Manager

  Anastassis (Tassos) Perrakis, NKI   Hans Wienk, NKI


Executive Board

Rebeca Thompson, UNIVLEEDS Eva Pereiro, ALBA Harald Schwalbe, GUF/INSTRUCT Manfred Weiss, HZB


Management Board

Lucia Banci, CIRMMP (Chair)


  • Marc Baldus, UU
  • Jose Maria Carazo, CSIC
  • Bruno Klaholz, CBI
  • Josan Marquez, EMBL-GR
  • Christoph Müller, EMBL-HD
  • Neil Ranson, ABSL
  • Thomas Schneider, EMBL-HH
  • Vladimir Sklenar, CEITEC
  • Dave Stuart, DIAMOND
  • Marjolein Thunnissen, MAX IV




Elspeth Garman (Chair) Rolf Boelens Ilaria Ferlenghi Kevin Gardner Helen Saibil