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During an incredibly period of 4.5 years iNEXT-Discovery provided their all kinds of services for structural biology training and access to thousands of researchers worldwide. Unfortunately all good things come to an end and July 31 2024 will mark its final day. At that point all iNEXT-Discovery activities will stop, and the consortium will write their final report to the European Commission who generously funded the project. Until then, some activities...

Final iNEXT-Discovery hands-on cryo-EM workshop!

After heavily oversubscribed previous editions, Partner DIAMOND decided to organise another practical cryo-EM training, this one funded by the Wellcome Trust and by iNEXT-Discovery. The course takes place from May 27 until May 31, 2024, at the cryo-EM Centre at Diamond Light Source, near Oxford (UK). The workshop invites 12 participants on-site to receive hands-on training in most, if not all, aspects of how to obtain structures of biomolecules...

Extra hands-on cryo-FIB lamella preparation and cryo-ET workshop!

Because the 2023 edition was heavily oversubscribed and we could not place everyone that was interested, iNEXT-Discovery decided to organise a second version of the very successful "cryo-FIB lamella preparation & cryo-Electron Tomography" workshop! Four participating Electron Microscopy facilities, CBI, EMBL-HD, DIAMOND and CEITEC, combine forces in a genuine hybrid event with online morning lectures for all participants, followed by on-site...

Final iNEXT-Discovery Annual Consortium Meeting!

Our Czech partner CEITEC in Brno is organising their iNEXT-Discovery Annual Consortium Meeting to take place from June 10-12 2024. The event will include several scientific sessions with presentations from keynotes, partners, users and regional structural biologists, and is followed immediately by the 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cryo-EM on June 12 and 13. Together with the iNEXT-Discovery Executive Board, the local organising...

iNEXT-Discovery CLEM and cryo-ET - Call for proposals!

The deadline of this call-for-proposals was May 15th, 2023. For those interested in CLEM or tomography access, please select from our access portfolio 'Signature Access', 'Select EM/CLEM', select your access facility of interest, prepare your proposal and submit! Cryo-Electron Tomography (ET) and correlated Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) are novel structural biology technologies that rapidly gain popularity, as both help to connect detailed...

iNEXT-Discovery CLEM and cryo-ET - Call for proposals!

  Cryo-Electron Tomography (ET) and correlated Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) are novel structural biology technologies that rapidly gain popularity, as both help to connect detailed molecular structures to the wider cellular or organellar environment. Depending on the method and instruments used, the samples required for these techniques need specific preparation for experiments at either room or cryogenic temperatures, as well as defined...

Joint access call between MOSBRI, Instruct-ERIC and iNEXT-Discovery!

    This joint call is open from January 15 to March 30 2023! Internationalization of research and innovation is a strategic priority for the European Union, also for tackling global challenges. Therefore, European Research Infrastructures aim to strengthen the collaboration within Europa and beyond, for instance through international networking and calls-for-proposals. Current call, open to scientists globally, has been initialized...

iNEXT-Discovery / METROFOOD-RI - Call for 'agri-food' proposals!

  UNFORTUNATELY THIS CALL IS CLOSED NOW, BUT ALL PORTALS REMAIN WIDE OPEN ALSO FOR PROPOSALS ADDRESSING FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH! Click the red button on the top-right!   It is our pleasure to announce our next external call for proposals! Together with the ESFRI project METROFOOD-RI we allow now applications to all iNEXT-Discovery structural biology facilities for projects that address agricultural and food research. Projects...

Workshop on crystallographic fragment screening!

  We are very happy to announce our new structural biology workshop, this time on crystallographic fragment screening! Our experts from HZB in Berlin, who also provide access to their crystallography facility at BESSY II, put together an exciting 3-day program with participation of several leading scientists in the field. All relevant aspects, including sample handling, (automated) data collection and analysis pipelines, will be thoroughly...

Impressions of our Warsaw User Meeting!

  For those that could not make it to Warsaw in person, here is a wonderful impression of our User Meeting in Poland (August 2022).   The meeting was perfectly organised by Marcin Nowotny and his colleagues from the Laboratory of Protein Structure at IIMCB! Obviously, discussions already started to plan our next User meeting with our friends from partner ELTE in Budapest!

Markus Weingarth receives prestigious ICMRBS Founders' Medal

Recently, Dr. Markus Weingarth from the Utrecht University Bijvoet Centre received the prestigious ICMRBS Founders' Medal for his ground-breaking research into the killing mechanisms of new antibiotics! This ICMRBS Founders' Medal is awarded biennially by the International Council of Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems to talented young scientists who already accomplished landmark scientific breakthroughs in developing NMR techniques. By...


Our Portuguese colleagues from ITQB organize a shared iNEXT-Discovery / Instruct-ERIC course on Structural Biology! The event will take place in Oeiras near Lisbon in Portugal from 25-30 Sept 2022, and includes lectures from several specialists from different research fields that include X-ray crystallography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, magnetic resonance Mass Spectrometry and Electron Microscopy. The course is mainly aimed at PhD and post-doctoral...

First MOSBRI Conference

Like iNEXT-Discovery, MOSBRI (Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure) is a Horizon2020 program of the European Commission. Whereas iNEXT-Discovery offers the broadest possible range of services in structural biology, MOSBRI has a specific focus on other biophysical methods. On June 20-22 2022 MOSBRI organizes their first annual conference in Paris, showcasing how their network helps researchers to tackle their life science research questions...

EMBL-HD Imaging Centre: opening symposium!

iNEXT-Discovery partner EMBL-HD is organizing their first EMBL Imaging Centre Symposium 'Enabling imaging across scales' on 31 May 2022 in Heidelberg. This opening symposium gathers leading experts in the field of electron and light microscopy. We will hear about latest breakthroughs in technology development and application from outstanding speakers, including Nobel laureates Stefan Hell, Richard Henderson and W.E. Moerner.The event will...

iNEXT-Discovery 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting!

Our Polish iNEXT-Discovery partner IIMCB in Warsaw is organising their iNEXT-Discovery Annual Scientific Meeting to take place on August 29 and 30, 2022. The meeting will be in hybrid format, with partners and regional structural biologists on-site in Warsaw, but with an online scientific program that allows for structural biologists globally to attend remotely. Together with partner HZB, the organisers prepared a very exciting program with...

EMBL-HH workshop 16-17/05/2022 - Approaches for in cellulo structural biology with X-rays

Together with iNEXT-Discovery partner EMBL-HH, European XFEL and the University of Lübeck organize a practical workshop on "Approaches for in cellulo structural biology with X-rays". The event will take place on May 16th and 17th 2022; the deadline for registration was originally March 31st 2022, but has been extended to April 10, 2022! The workshop is primarily targeted to graduate students and postdocs and will be carried out at infrastructures...

Structural biology for Food and Health and more!

  A study involving iNEXT-Discovery Partner UNL reveals SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and immune cells in breast milk. Infants are frequently heavily affected by COVID-19, but lactating women were initially advised to discontinue breastfeeding after mRNA vaccination. Now, a Portuguese research team including Diogo Athayde and Margarida Archer from ITQB NOVA (i.e. iNEXT-Discovery partner UNL) show that breast milk can in fact protect breastfeeding children,...

15 papers from iNEXT-Discovery and Instruct-ERIC facilities describing state-of-the-art structural biology methods!

iNEXT-Discovery and Instruct-ERIC access providing research facilities prepared an incredible series of 15 papers describing several routine and specialist structural biology methods! After a bit of delay, the protocols will all supported by short videos explaining these methods. Please have a look at our dedicated JoVE site or here. Structural biology for everyone!

EMBL launched their 2nd fellowships call for ARISE, the Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists!

The ARISE fellowship program from our partner EMBL offers fellowships for careers in service providing research infrastructures (core facilities, big infrastructures, data services, etc). The 20 (!) fellowships in this call allow experienced technology developers to join EMBL for three years and to: work on novel technology developments in different field, such as computational engineering and data sciences, imaging and optical engineering, mechanical...

Shared call for proposals for Instruct-ERIC Protein Production and iNEXT-Discovery Biophysics services!

To boost our mutual activities in offering structural biology research services, Instruct-ERIC and iNEXT-Discovery recently opened a shared call-for-proposals. In case your research project requires protein production (offered by Instruct-ERIC) as well as protein characterization or quantification of interactions (offered by the biophysics facilities of iNEXT-Discovery), don't hesitate to apply here with a short proposal.   The deadline for...

iNEXT-Discovery and Instruct-ERIC recently opened a shared Call for Access with Covid19-NMR to boost SARS-CoV-2 research!

As part of our continued efforts to tackle the Corona-pandemic with structural biology research, we recently opened a Call for Access, offering the experience and some of the services already offered by iNEXT-Discovery, Instruct-ERIC and the Covi19-NMR initiative. For more information on this call and all Covid-related research possibilities offered by iNEXT-Discovery, please go here. To apply directly for this shared call, please visit the Instruct-ERIC/iNEXT-Discovery...

More than 100 approved user projects!

Early March 2021 we already reached the amazing number of 100 approved research projects for external users to access iNEXT-Discovery facilities! Let this not hold you back to apply as well. Click here to find out more about all our structural biology access possibilities, or push directly the big red button on top of the page!   Even with Corona travel restrictions our facilities provide - mostly remote - access to researchers from academia...

Explaining structural biology...

This video from iNEXT & iNEXT-Discovery explains structural biology and highlights the importance of European Commission funding for research infrastructures to provide access to scientists!      

EMBL announces ARISE, the Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists

EMBL's ARISE fellowship program offers fellowships for experienced professionals with a background in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics who wish to advance technology development in the life sciences and receive training to operate life science research infrastructures, which provide novel technologies as a service for life scientists. Between 2021 and 2025, ARISE will award 62 three-year fellowships to talented...

iNEXT YouTube playlist with selected Webinars

Many of our Webinars are posted in our You Tube channel!    

iNEXT-Discovery is fast-tracking Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2 access!

iNEXT-Discovery is fast-tracking structural biology projects addressing Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2 for external researchers from academia and industry. An example from iNEXT-Discovery's Andrew Thompson from SOLEIL Synchrotron: "Fast-tracking can lead in less than 2 weeks from project submission to beamtime in our facility!" Interested in iNEXT-Discovery access? Apply here!

iNEXT-Discovery aims to maximize the output of fragment screening by structural biology!

On Friday September 11 2020, the iNEXT-Discovery X-ray partners EMBL, DIAMOND, NKI, HZB and MAX IV met online to discuss their ideas and common strategies to maximize the output of fragment screening by X-ray crystallography, and to improve fragment screening access to our facilities!   The iNEXT-Discovery consortium received EC-funding for four internal research projects, the so-called Joint Research Activities: 1. Maximizing the output of...

iNEXT-Discovery presented at the biotech platform KETBIO

Recently, coordinator Tassos Perrakis presented a webinar on iNEXT-Discovery for the KETBIO community. KETBIO ( is an EC-funded Horizon2020 project determined to identify Europe`s most innovative results in biotechnology research and to speed up their market uptake. KETBIO brings the biotechnology community together in an interactive forum, deploying latest technology to increase knowledge and reduce barrier to entry and interaction,...

The virtual Kick-Off series has been finalized!

Following the videos introducing iNEXT-Discovery, the virtual Kick-Off meeting, the virtual General Assembly and the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meeting, we did not stop! We had virtual meetings also with: The User Panel: we discussed procedures to increase user engagement in the project, to survey user satisfaction, and to find ways to attract new users. A new post-visit questionnaire has been developed, that will be made available to users...

First iNEXT-Discovery publication is about fragment screening!

The first publication to come from iNEXT-Discovery is highlighting the continuation between iNEXT and iNEXT-Discovery. It has been published in the "Journal of Biomolecular NMR" and is about "NMR quality control of fragment libraries for screening". The paper describes how the DSI-poised library of fragments, a collection of 782 fragments assembled aiming to facilitate downstream synthesis of ligands with high affinity by fragment ligation, that...

iNEXT-Discovery Scientific Advisory Board meeting

On Thursday June 11th, the iNEXT-Discovery coordination met with the Scientific Advisory Board during a virtual meeting. The major aims of iNEXT-Discovery were shortly reiterated, as well as the role of the SAB in advising us on the course of the project. Several topics that may require attention for optimal project implementation were discussed, as well as how to prepare the consortium for the longer-term.  

The virtual kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting and the General Assembly took place on Thursday 28 May. Short presentations based on the iNEXT-Discovery introduction video (also available from here) were followed by Q&A sessions.  We had 62 on-line participants, and we tried our best to interact. As life is slowly returning to normal, most of our facilities are now open for remote access, and user projects are taking place.

Covid19-NMR: NMR Structural Biology of SARS-CoV-2

The aim of the international project Covid19-NMR is to determine the 3D structures, in particular of all RNAs, and of all proteins of SARS-CoV-2, or exploit existing structures for subsequent search of drugs guided by these structures. The project is coordinated by Prof. Harald Schwalbe who is a member of the iNEXT-Discovery Executive Board, and will be making use of facilities that particate in the iNEXT-Discovery project. The consortium aims to...

Applications for access are now welcome!

While being in turbulent times, we have decided after an inevitable delay due to the current situation, to officially start accepting applications for access to iNEXT-Discovery facilities! We are thus happy to announce to the wider research community this website and welcoming applications. We are posting to the email lists, and social media, so please help us to spread the word! Please do note, that while regardless of current...

New plans for the kick-off meeting

Due to the emerging corona-virus situation, we have decided to cancel the kick-off meeting. Besides being convinced this is the socially responsible choice, it is also the only choice, as the NKI has asked to cancel all international meetings taking place in its premises. The plans to have a kick-off meeting are not abandoned though. We are planning a series of virtual meetings and perhaps a couple of webinars, that we will announce later, after...

iNEXT-Discovery SAB established

We are happy to complete the membership for our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), who will keep providing feedback and ideas for our future activities throughout the project. Elspeth Garman (Oxford, MX) - Rolf Boelens (Utrecht, iNEXT) - Ilaria Ferlenghi (Italy, GSK) - Kevin Gardner (New York, USA, NMR) - Helen Saibil (London, EM) Elspeth Garman (chair) Rolf Boelens Ilaria Ferlenghi Kevin Gardner Helen Saibil

EC publishes about the iNEXT success

iNEXT was the first program to bring together access to X-ray, NMR and EM facilities in Europe. Marking the closing of the project the EC has published a news article highlighting the iNEXT results. Rolf Boelens, the iNEXT coordinator from Utrecht University in The Netherlands among other things clarified that "iNEXT has received over 900 proposals of which over 700 were approved. The overall impact of the project is illustrated by the more than...

The iNEXT-Discovery grant agreement has been signed

To enable researchers from European institutes to extend innovative structural biology research, the EU has invested 10 million euro to iNEXT-Discovery, through its Horizon 2020 program. The iNEXT-Discovery consortium,  coordinated by Prof. Dr. Anastassis Perrakis from the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Oncode Institute, aims to facilitate the generation of knowledge for the development of new drugs, advanced vaccines, novel biomaterials, engineered...