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EMBL announces ARISE, the Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists

EMBL's ARISE fellowship program offers fellowships for experienced professionals with a background in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics who wish to advance technology development in the life sciences and receive training to operate life science research infrastructures, which provide novel technologies as a service for life scientists.

Between 2021 and 2025, ARISE will award 62 three-year fellowships to talented technology experts to develop new technologies for the life sciences that can be included in the service offers of worldwide research infrastructures operating in the fields of imaging, bioinformatics, structural biology, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and (bio)chemical engineering.

Each ARISE fellow will be hosted by one EMBL group or team at one of EMBL's six sites (Barcelona, Grenoble, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Hinxton, or Rome). Their group and team leaders all have a track record in developing new methods and technologies, providing these as a service, and applying them to answer novel scientific questions.

More information can be found here.