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Events in Structural Biology

Test David


Just a test....

Instruct Symposium: "Frontiers in Structural Imaging"

The aim of this symposium is to present and discuss ongoing and future developments and challenges in the field of structural imaging. The presentations by leading scientists will have a focus on cryo-electron tomography, computational methods and tomogram analysis and correlative microscopy. The use of these methods is believed to help addressing major scientific questions in the future, in particular those involving large macromolecular complexes, studied at molecular and cellular levels of re...

ESFRI BMS TWG / Coordinators Meeting

A meeting for Coordinators of the ESFRI-BMS projects will be held....

OPPF-MPL High-throughput Protein Production and Crystallization

United Kingdom

AimThe aim of this course is to review the state-of-the-art in HTP structural biology with an emphasis on methods to study complex and "difficult" targets, including membrane proteins.ParticipantsThe course is aimed at Post-doctoral researchers and PhD students with at least one year's relevant experience in structural biology. The course will be limited to 12 participants and priority will be given to applicants from UK Academic Institutions.Course ContentThe course will be structured so as to ...

Workshop on Mammalian Expression Technologies

United Kingdom

The course is designed primarily for structural biologists who have prokaryotic expression experience and would like to use the mammalian expression system for more challenging targets. The goals of the course are to allow participants to have hands-on experience of mammalian cell culture, small and large scale transient gene expression including the use of automated systems, protein purification and crystallisation. The course will be structured so as to interleave lectures and practical sessio...

International Conference on Structural Genomics

This meeting is designed to serve as a forum to discuss the most recent developments in Structural Genomics and its impact on research in biology, medicine and disease. Topics of discussion will include:Impact of Structural Genomics on Infectious Disease ResearchAdvances in protein expression, purification, crystallography and NMRStructure Enabled Systems Biology and Signaling NetworksStructural Genomics of Integral Membrane ProteinsComputational and Integrated Approaches to Structure and Functi...

The Gordon Research Conference on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR


The Gordon Research Conference on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR provides a unique forum to present newly emerging computational and experimental methods that will drive NMR applications to ever more complex and challenging biomolecular systems. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is one of the most powerful biophysical techniques for studying biomolecules. Progress in NMR to probe hitherto inaccessible aspects of biomolecular behavior has regularly resulted directly from ad...

WIRE 2011


Idea or ideal? Clusters and research infrastructures working together?WIRE2011 connects cluster development and research infrastructure policy in order to enhance innovation performances and regional development.Under the aegis of the Hungarian EU Council Presidency the conference called Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2011 (WIRE2011), - giving an appropriate follow-up of WIRE 2010 conference in Granada held under the Spanish EU Council Presidency -, will be organized jointly with the ...

Gordon Research Seminar on Magnetic Resonance

Meeting OverviewThe Gordon Research Seminar on Magnetic Resonance is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.The focus of this meeting is to present the implementation of new methods in nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance and magnetic resonance imaging and the application of magnetic resonance techniques to new systems and problems in physics, c...

Electron Microscopy and Stereology in Cell Biology


The aim of this course is to teach cutting-edge EM techniques for Cell Biologists on a high theoretical and practical level. EM is technically one of the most demanding set of approaches to learn; many aspects can only reasonably be understood by watching a specialist. Despite the vast number of technical books available, there is clearly no substitute for hands-on training. Therefore the main emphasis in this course is put on the practical training....

[BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference


The 9th [BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference "Multiscale Modeling" will take place on June 23 & 24, 2011 at the congress center Basel. Registration and poster submission are now open on the conference web site.Poster submissionOn behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite all interested participants and conference attendees to consider presenting a poster. We are soliciting high-quality research posters in all aspects of computational biology, systems biology, bioinf...

The XIVth International Conference on Electron Microscopy


OverviewThe XIVthInternational Conference on Electron Microscopy (EM2011) organised jointly by the University of Silesia and the Polish Society for Microscopy (PTMi) will be held on June 26-30, 2011 in Wisla, Poland. The Conference will provide a platform for electron mircroscopists, crystallographers, material scientists, solid state physicists, as well as life and earth scientists to discuss methods and techniques used in electron microscopy. The scope of the EM2011 is to provide a broad overv...

Gordon Research - Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Conference.

OverviewThis 2011 Gordon conference will provide a forum for discussion of the latest progress in three-dimensional electron microscopy of macromolecular assemblies and sub-cellular components. Progress has been made in three major areas:Towards atomic resolution for 3D structures of periodic, symmetrical and asymmetrical particles by a combination of 3D electron microscopy, X-ray structure fitting and structure prediction using EM density maps as constraints.Towards understanding the dynamics o...



The second community-building symposium aiming to bring together biophysicists, biochemists and biologists interested in the field of macromolecular hydrodynamics, from aqueous solutions to living cells, and its implications for the understanding of biological processes.Open to all scientists of academic and non-academic institutions from France and neighbouring countries.Abstract submission deadline: March 31st, 2011Registration deadline: May 31st, 2011...

Proteome Analysis by Mass Spectrometry - From Samples to Data Analysis

 Proteomics encompasses the large-scale study of the entire collection of proteins of an organism or system. Although great technical progress in this field has granted deeper insight into the cellular network, a challenge is still presented by the enormous range of protein abundance, dynamics, modifications and interactions. Proteomic techniques, and in particular mass spectrometry, provide very powerful tools to address these questions by identifying proteins, quantifying their expression...

High Throughput Methods for Protein Production and Crystallization


The AFMB will organize the fourth EMBO practical course on 'High Throughput Methods for Protein Production and Crystallization' (HTMPPC) next summer in Marseille (France). This course is every two years and its venue is either in Marseille (France) or Oxford (UK). This course alternates with the EMBO practical PEPC course (Hamburg, Germany).If you want to participate or see the program go to: The deadline for application is the 15th of April.The organizing committe...

EMBL Advanced Course - Variant Calling from Genomic Sequencing Data


Methods, Tools and Algorithms for Calling SNPs, Short InDels and Large Structural Variants from Whole-Genome Sequencing DataThis course covers methods and algorithms to call genomic alterations in a whole-genome, next-generation sequencing data set. We will focus on algorithms to map reads, call single nucleotide polymorphisms, short indels and structural variants. The course offers both lectures and hands-on examples. The lectures will focus on fundamental algorithms and data structures for nex...

11th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy

Welcome to ICMRM 11 Dear colleagues and friends,   On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to invite you to participate in the 11th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (ICMRM).   The 11th ICMRM will follow the fine tradition that has been established starting with the very first ICMRM in Heidelberg in 1991. The conference will be devoted to the latest developments in the methods, equipment, and applications of spatially resolved NMR; it is also de...

EUROMAR 2011- sponsored by Instruct


Welcome to the EUROMAR 2011 in Frankfurt - the main annual meeting of the European magnetic resonance community. It will be held in conjunction with the 33rd Discussion Meeting of the Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Division of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh).For the first time, the EUROMAR will be accompanied by the European Federation of EPR Groups Meeting, a triennial meeting of all European EPR Groups. This conference has also been decided to be the 2011 International EPR Society ...

XXII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography - sponsored by Instruct


In August 2011 crystallographers from all over the world will meet in Madrid for the XXII International Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography that is being organized by the Spanish Crystallographic Association.Deadline for Abstracts submission: April 15, 2011Instruct is proud to be a sponsorLook out for our brochure in your delegate bag....

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