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News Articles

European Crystallographic Association - Fourth Alajos Kálmán Prize

The European Crystallographic Association is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the fourth Alajos Kálmán Prize. The Prize will be awarded to an individual researcher in recognition for outstanding scientific contributions in the field of structural sciences within the last 5-10 years. The prize consists of a medal and a financial award and the awardee delivers a Prize Lecture at the ECM. The Prize is established by the Hungarian Chemical Society and is endorsed by E...

Focus on: Instruct-IL

In February 2025, Instruct-ERIC Director Prof. Harald Schwalbe visited the Instruct-ERIC center in Israel. He spent 3 days at the Weizmann Institute for Science in Rehovot, exchanging ideas on the impact of integrated structural biology in life science. On his first day, as a guest of Prof. Lucio Frydman, he gave a Chemistry Faculty Lecture on “Integrated Structural Biology to Unravel the Impact of Synonymous Mutations on Protein Folding.” Following this, he had a chance to meet, on...

Instruct Winners of Gender Equality Champions Prize in Research and Innovation

Instruct-ERIC is delighted to reveal that it has won the Newcomer Gender Equality Champion award from the European Commission. At a ceremony at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels on 3 March, Instruct was announced as winner of the Newcomer Gender Equality Champion award. This award confirms Instruct’s unwavering commitment to advancing gender equality and diversity within its own internal Hub, its Centres and Facilities, and in the wider structural biology community. In t...

eRImote Information Platform

The eRImote project aimed to identify and explore new solution for remote access provision to research infrastructures, ensuring that researchers could access the infrastructure and technologies they needed without needing to travel in-person. As part of the project, the eRImote Information Platform was developed. This repository is made up of documents, resources, webinars, and tools to enhance research infrastructure remote access. Explore the platform here. Resources include the eRImote Gre...

EU-CELAC Study Visits | Instruct-ERIC and Latin America

Instruct-ERIC has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with Latin America. From Memoranda of Understanding with institutions across the region, to co-organised workshops and conferences in structural biology and the wider research infrastructure community, Instruct helps to drive connection between Latin America and Europe in structural biology research. Throughout 2024, Instruct had the opportunity to invite structural biology researchers in Latin America for study visits to facilities in Euro...

Instruct-ERIC Moves to BlueSky

Instruct-ERIC has now moved to Bluesky! With the ongoing move of the scientific community to BlueSky, Instruct is now using BlueSky as its primary social media channel, alongside LinkedIn. Instruct already has around 1,000 followers on the channel, and has established a starter pack for ERICs to follow and engage with the European research infrastructure community – check that out below. Instruct will be regularly posting updates on calls, latest news, and will be live-posting events &n...

Instruct-ERIC ECR Call Awardees

The Instruct-ERIC Early Career Researcher (ECR) call offered additional access for researchers with 2-7 years of experience since completion of their PhD. A new programme in 2024, the ECR call provided up to €5,000 in consumable funding, plus a travel and accommodation budget of up to €1,000. This allows ECRs the flexibility to make the best use of the access provided through Instruct. Awardees are also eligible for up to three visits as part of their proposal, to further consolidate...

Machine and Technology Upgrades at Instruct-CZ

Instruct-CZ, the Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology (CIISB), is formed by two Centers of Excellence for Structural Biology constructed within the projects CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology, Brno and BIOCEV - Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre, Vestec, Prague-West. Both facilities have made upgrades to their technologies in 2024, providing more advanced services for structural biology researchers.   BIOCEV CF Diffraction Techniques have success...

Launch of the CM02 Titan Krios microscope at Instruct-FR2

The Instruct Centre FR2 in Grenoble has recently added to its fleet a powerful Titan Krios G4 cryo-electron microscope (Thermo Fisher Scientific), equipped with a cold FEG, a Selectris X energy filter and a Falcon 4i electron detector. Part of the EquipEx+ France Cryo-EM project, financed by the Plan Investissement d’Avenir 3, that has enabled the purchase of three state-of-the-art 300 kV cryo-TEMs in France, the Grenoble installation, designated CM02, will serve the French community and i...

Structural Biology in Latvia and Beyond

Instruct-ERIC held a dedicated structural biology conference in Riga, Latvia, 3 December 2024. The “Structural Biology in Latvia and Beyond” conference celebrated the membership of Latvia in Instruct-ERIC, since their inclusion in 2019, allowing researchers in the country to receive funded access to high-end structural biology technologies across Europe. Opened by Prof. Kaspars Tars (Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, LBMC), the symposium saw a combination of the latest ...

ELIXIR and Instruct-ERIC announce Memorandum of Understanding

ELIXIR, the European life science data infrastructure, and Instruct-ERIC, the European research infrastructure for structural biology, have announced a strategic collaboration with the signing of a joint statement. Along with their shared objectives to support life science research, the organisations have in common 13 Member States and EMBL as partners, and have closely located headquarters. ELIXIR and Instruct agree to work together to: Improve the FAIRness (findability, accessibility, int...

Instruct-ERIC Access Call Deadline: 2 December

Due to the upcoming holiday period, the next Instruct access panel will meet in the middle of January 2025. As a result, we recommend that any access proposals are submitted by 2 December to ensure that they are included in the panel discussion.   Apply for Access   Due to ever-growing demand for funded access to advanced structural biology technologies, Instruct now operates its access provision in regular panel reviews. Keep up to date with the proposal guidelines page to see w...

AI4Life 3rd Call Open

The 3rd AI4Life Call is now open, offering life scientists a unique opportunity to receive support for deep learning-enhanced image analysis. If you work with scientific imaging data and face challenges with your current analysis workflows, this final call is your chance to collaborate with AI4Life experts. Whether you're looking to improve your current workflows, get advice on training data, or learn about the best tools available for your work, AI imaing experts are here to help. What is off...

4th International Call Awardees

Instruct-ERIC is pleased to announce the awardees of the Fourth International Call – providing funded staff exchanges between European facilities and international partners! Researchers worldwide have access to structural biology services through Instruct at all times – the Instruct International Calls provide funding support for these visits, allowing researchers to travel to European facilities from institutions that hold a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Instruct, or vice ...

2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

The 2024 Nobel Prize in chemistry has been awarded to David Baker (University of Washington) for computational protein design, and the other half jointly to Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper (Google DeepMind) for protein structure prediction. Computational tools and prediction software have become increasingly central to protein structure characterisation, and as such is key for integrated structural biology. Prof. Harald Schwalbe, Director of Instruct-ERIC, said, “The award of the Physi...

Instruct-ERIC 2023 Annual Report

The Instruct-ERIC Annual Report 2023 has been published. Detailing the biggest events, project news, and services made available by Instruct-ERIC, the Annual Report provides a snapshot of Instruct’s activities throughout 2023. The report outlines the latest news, technologies, and science highlights from across the Instruct consortium, showcasing the offerings and expertise of each Instruct member. Particular highlights for Instruct include the addition of Greece and Slovenia as new mem...

ARIA Release: 2.18.1 – 2.18.13 and 2.19.0

ARIA (Access to Research Infrastructure Administration) was established by Instruct-ERIC to enhance the access proposal process, making it simpler for researchers to submit proposals and access integrated structural biology technologies and services. The ARIA development team continues to work hard to update and progress the system, whilst adapting it to the ever-changing needs of the global structural biology community, as well as a host of Horizon Europe projects. The latest release, 2.18 and...

The Future of Integrated Structural Biology - Instruct-ERIC Review

The Instruct-ERIC review paper “The future of integrated structural biology” has been published in Structure, detailing the current status of structural biology technologies, as well as discussing potential future developments in the field. With input from a host of leading experts, both within the Instruct-ERIC consortium and out, the review examines the existing challenges in structural biology, and how short and long-term developments may have profound benefits for science as a w...

Getting the Most out of AI and Structural Biology

Instruct-ERIC offers support for structural biologists utilising AI prediction software and validation tools. The impact of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning on structural biology has grown exponentially in recent years. Particularly with the success of AlphaFold from Google DeepMind and EMBL-EBI, the power of these tools in predicting protein structures is as mesmerising as it is impactful. To help structural biologists get the best out of these tools, Instruct is providing support...

iNEXT-Discovery Project Ends - Get Funded Access to Structural Biology Technology Through Instruct

Since 2020, iNEXT-Discovery has provided access to many structural biology technologies across Europe. As of 31 July, the project came to an end, and no more proposals can be submitted. To continue receiving funded access to structural biology services, submit an application through Instruct-ERIC. Instruct provides access to more than 80 structural biology technologies, including sample preparation services, 3D structural techniques like Cryo-EM, NMR, and X-ray crystallography, plus biomolecul...

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