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Final iNEXT-Discovery hands-on cryo-EM workshop!

After heavily oversubscribed previous editions, Partner DIAMOND decided to organise another practical cryo-EM training, this one funded by the Wellcome Trust and by iNEXT-Discovery.

The course takes place from May 27 until May 31, 2024, at the cryo-EM Centre at Diamond Light Source, near Oxford (UK).

The workshop invites 12 participants on-site to receive hands-on training in most, if not all, aspects of how to obtain structures of biomolecules and their complexes with state-of-the-art cryo-Electron Microscopy. Almost equally exciting, the theoretical parts of this workshop will be openly accessible to the wider community as they will be broadcasted online.

Registration for on-site participation closes on May 12th!

In case you are interested, please have a look at the iNEXT-Discovery training overview, visit the event website and apply for the in-person experience or for the online lectures.