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iNEXT-Discovery CLEM and cryo-ET - Call for proposals!

The deadline of this call-for-proposals was May 15th, 2023.

For those interested in CLEM or tomography access, please select from our access portfolio 'Signature Access', 'Select EM/CLEM', select your access facility of interest, prepare your proposal and submit!

Cryo-Electron Tomography (ET) and correlated Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) are novel structural biology technologies that rapidly gain popularity, as both help to connect detailed molecular structures to the wider cellular or organellar environment.

Depending on the method and instruments used, the samples required for these techniques need specific preparation for experiments at either room or cryogenic temperatures, as well as defined procedures for data acquisition and overlay.

For successfully applying such high-tech methods, dedicated expertise and equipment are of utmost importance, which is available at several of ou iNEXT-Discovery cryo-Electron Microscopy facilities.

To boost these unique technologies also among non-specialist researchers by helping them with analyzing their samples, iNEXT-Discovery recently arranged a new “CLEM and ET call for proposals”. With this call, short research proposals submitted by external applicants will be discussed with the EM-facilities involved and peer-reviewed by external specialists.

Also the facility access for these new methods is essentially free of costs, so in case you have a suitable biological system please register and submit your proposal (Note: the deadline for applications is May 15, 2023).

In case you're interested in CLEM or tomography access please go here and register.

Then: 'Signature Access' - 'Select EM/CLEM', select your access facility of interest, prepare and submit!

For questions, please contact the iNEXT-Discovery Project Manager.