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Joint access call between MOSBRI, Instruct-ERIC and iNEXT-Discovery!



This joint call is open from January 15 to March 30 2023!

Internationalization of research and innovation is a strategic priority for the European Union, also for tackling global challenges. Therefore, European Research Infrastructures aim to strengthen the collaboration within Europa and beyond, for instance through international networking and calls-for-proposals.

Current call, open to scientists globally, has been initialized by the EC-funded biophysics project MOSBRI and joins their forces with Instruct-ERIC and iNEXT-Discovery, to collectively offer internationally all kinds of sample preparation, biophysics and structural biology access opportunities.

Funded access is available to any of the research facilities involved in the three programmes, aiming to promote exchange of experiences, staff and access collaborations worldwide.

Applicants submit a short research proposal by choosing from these online service catalogues:

Submitted proposals will be rapidly evaluated by external reviewers and facility staff after which experiments can be scheduled between external researchers and the facility experts.

Eligibility is somewhat different between the Horizon projects MOSBRI and iNEXT-Discovery and Instruct-ERIC:

MOSBRI and iNEXT-Discovery offer biophysics and structural biology access typically for small project (e.g. up to few weeks), respectively, to any academic or company researcher worldwide. Accommodation, traveling and/or sample shipment can be covered at least partially by most of the facilities involved.

Instruct-ERIC access for this call is for non-European institutions that hold a Memorandus of Understanding (MoU) with Instruct-ERIC. Successful applications will be reimbursed for sample shipment costs up to €400 and a contribution towards infrastructure access. Instruct-ERIC will fund up to one visit per application, please take a look at their access table to see how many days are available per technology.Notably, in all cases funding will not fully cover the travel from applicant to Europe and applicants will need to find co-funding when this is needed.

How to apply

For applying, click here. Here you can find more information about the iNEXT-Discovery project or access opportunities, or contact the iNEXT-Discovery Project Manager.

This joint call is open from January 15 to March 30 2023!