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iNEXT-Discovery: Scientific publications


All publications from iNEXT-Discovery acknowledge the project and are appearing as Open Access!


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March 19, 2021

Strategies for Optimization of Cryogenic Electron Tomography Data Acquisition

doi: 10.3791/62383

Weis F, Hagen WJH, Schorb M, Mattei S.

J Vis Exp.; 2021, Mar 19:169


June 17, 2021

A Sample Preparation Pipeline for Microcrystals at the VMXm Beamline

doi: 10.3791/62306

Crawshaw AD, Beale EV, Warren AJ, Stallwood A, Duller G, Trincao J, Evans G.

J Vis Exp.; 2021, Jun 17:172


May 28, 2021

Cryo-Structured Illumination Microscopic Data Collection from Cryogenically Preserved Cells

doi: 10.3791/62274

Vyas N, Perry N, Okolo CA, Kounatidis I, Fish TM, Nahas KL, Jadhav A, Koronfel MA, Groen J, Pereiro E, Dobbie IM, Harkiolaki M.

J Vis Exp.; 2021, May 28:171


June 4, 2021

NMR-based Fragment Screening in a Minimum Sample but Maximum Automation Mode

doi: 10.3791/62262

Berg H, Wirtz Martin MA, Niesteruk A, Richter C, Sreeramulu S, Schwalbe H.

J Vis Exp.; 2021, Jun 4:172


May 29, 2021

Cryo-EM and Single-Particle Analysis with Scipion

doi: 10.3791/62261

Jiménez-Moreno A, del Caño L, Martínez M, Ramírez-Aportela E, Cuervo A, Melero R, Sánchez-García R, Strelak D, Fernández-Giménez E, de Isidro-Gómez F, Herreros D, Conesa P, Fonseca Y, Maluenda D, Jiménez de la Morena J, Macías J, Losana P, Marabini R, Carazo J, Sorzano C.

J Vis Exp.; 2021, May 29:171


March 3, 2021

Workflow and Tools for Crystallographic Fragment Screening at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

doi: 10.3791/62208

Wollenhaupt J, Barthel T, Lima GMA, Metz A, Wallacher D, Jagudin E, Huschmann FU, Hauß T, Feiler CG, Gerlach M, Hellmig M, Förster R, Steffien M, Heine A, Klebe G, Mueller U, Weiss, MS.

J Vis Exp.; 2021, Mar 3:169


March 15, 2021

A 3D Cartographic Description of the Cell by Cryo Soft Xray Tomography

doi: 10.3791/62190

Groen J, Sorrentino A, Aballe L, Oliete R, Valcarcel R, Okolo C, Kounatidis I Harkiolaki M, Perez-Berna AJ, Pereiro E.

J Vis Exp.; 2021, Mar 15:169


May 16, 2021

Nano-Differential Scanning Fluorimetry for Screening in Fragment-based Lead Discovery

doi: 10.3791/62469

Ahmad MUD, Fish, A, Molenaar J, Sreeramulu S, Richter C, Altincekic N, Schwalbe H, Wienk H, Perrakis A.

J Vis Exp.; 2021, May 16:171


May 14, 2021

Sample preparation strategies for efficientcorrelation of 3D SIM and soft X-raytomography data at cryogenic temperatures

doi: 10.1038/s41596-021-00522-4

Okolo CH, Kounatidis I, Groen J, Nahas KL, Balint S, Fish TM Koronfel MA, Cortajarena AL, Dobbie IM, Pereiro E, Harkiolaki M.

Nat Protoc. 2021;16(6):2851-2885


 February 12, 2021

Modelling covalent linkages in CCP4

doi: 10.1107/S2059798321001753

Nicholls RA, Joosten RP, Long F, Wojdyr M, Lebedev A, Krissinel E, Catapano L, Fischer M, Emsley P, Murshudov GN.

Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol. 2021;77(Pt 6):712-726


April 13, 2021

The missing link: covalent linkages in structural models

doi: 10.1107/S2059798321003934

Nicholls RA, Wojdyr M, Joosten RP, Catapano L, Long F, Fischer M, Emsley P, Murshudov GN.

Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol. 2021;77(Pt 6):727-745


May 10, 2021

Large-Scale Recombinant Production of the SARS-CoV-2 Proteome for High-Throughput and Structural

doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.653148

Altincekic N, Korn SM, Qureshi NS, Dujardin M, Ninot-Pedrosa M, Abele R, Abi Saad MJ, Alfano C, Almeida FCL, Alshamleh I, de Amorim GC, Anderson TK, Anobom CD, Anorma C, Bains JK, Bax A, Blackledge M, Blechar J, Böckmann A, Brigandat L, Bula A, Bütikofer M, Camacho-Zarco AR, Carlomagno T, Caruso IP, Ceylan B, Chaikuad A, Chu F, Cole L, Crosby MG, de Jesus V, Dhamotharan K, Felli IC, Ferner J, Fleischmann Y, Fogeron M-L, Fourkiotis NK, Fuks C, Fürtig B, Gallo A, Gande SL, Gerez JA, Ghosh D, Gomes-Neto F, Gorbatyuk O, Guseva S, Hacker C, Häfner S, Hao B, Hargittay B, Henzler-Wildman K, Hoch JC, Hohmann KF, Hutchison MT, Jaudzems K, Jovic´ K, Kaderli J, Kalnin¸ sˇ G, Kan¸ epe I, Kirchdoerfer RN, Kirkpatrick J, Knapp S, Krishnathas R, Kutz F, zur Lage S, Lambertz R, Lang A, Laurents D, Lecoq L, Linhard V, Löhr F, Malki A, Bessa LM, Martin RW, Matzel T, Maurin D, McNutt SW, Mebus-Antunes NC, Meier BH, Meiser N, Mompeán M, Monaca E, Montserret R, Mariño Perez L, Moser C, Muhle-Goll C, Neves-Martins TC, Ni X, Norton-Baker B, Pierattelli R, Pontoriero L, Pustovalova Y, Ohlenschläger O, Orts J, Da Poian AT, Pyper DJ, Richter C, Riek R, Rienstra CM, Robertson A, Pinheiro AS, Sabbatella R, Salvi N, Saxena K, Schulte L, Schiavina M, Schwalbe H, Silber M, Almeida MdS, Sprague-Piercy MA, Spyroulias GA, Sreeramulu S, Tants J-N, Tars K, Torres F, Töws S, Treviño MÁ, Trucks S, Tsika AC, Varga K, Wang Y, Weber ME, Weigand JE, Wiedemann C,Wirmer-Bartoschek J, Wirtz Martin MA, Zehnder J, Hengesbach M and Schlundt A.

Front. Mol. Biosci. 2021, 8:653148


Jun 18, 2021

Protocol for image registration of correlative soft X-ray tomography and super-resolution structured illumination microscopy images

doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100529

Vyas N, Kunne S, Fish TM Dobbie IA, Harkiolaki M, Paul-Gilloteaux P.

STAR Protocols 2021, 2:100529


Apr 8, 2021

FragMAXapp: crystallographic fragment-screening data-analysis and project-management system

doi: 10.1107/S2059798321003818

Lima GMA, Jagudin E, Talibov VO, Benz LS, Marullo C, Barthel T, Wollenhaupt J, Weiss MS, Mueller U.

Acta Cryst. 2021, D77:799–808


Mar 30, 2021

3D Heteronuclear Magnetization Transfers for the Establishment of Secondary Structures in SARS-CoV-2-Derived RNAs

doi: 10.1021/jacs.1c01914

Kim J, Novakovic M, Jayanthi S, Lupulescu A, Kupce E, Grun JT, Mertinkus K, Oxenfarth A, Richter C, Schnieders R, Wirmer-Bartoschek J, Schwalbe H, Frydman L.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143:4942−4948


Mar 13, 2021

1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical‑shift assignments of SARS‑CoV‑2 non‑structural protein 1 (leader protein)

doi: 10.1007/s12104-021-10019-6

Wang Y, Kirkpatrick J, Zur Lage S, Korn SM, Neißner K, Schwalbe H, Schlundt A, Carlomagno T.

Biomol NMR Assign.2021, 15:287-295


Mar 29, 2021

Di-phosphorylated BAF shows altered structural dynamics and binding to DNA, but interacts with its nuclear envelope partners

doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab184

Marcelot A, Petitalot A, Ropars V, Le Du M-H, Samson C, Dubois S, Hoffmann G, Miron S, Cuniasse P, Marquez JA, Thai R, Theillet F-X, Zinn-Justin S.

Nucl. Acid Res. 2021, 49(7):3841-3855


Mar 9, 2021

Monitoring Protein-Ligand Interactions in Human Cells by Real-Time Quantitative In-Cell NMR using a High Cell Density Bioreactor

doi: 10.3791/62323

Barbieri L, Luchinat E.

J. Vis. Exp. 2021, 169:e62323


May 6, 2021

Cryo-focused ion beam lamella preparation protocol for in situ Structural Biology

doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1406-8

Moravcová J, Dopitová R, Pinkas M, Nováček J.

Methods Mol Biol. 2021, 2305:301-322


Mar 8, 2021

Magnetization Transfer to Enhance NOE Cross-Peaks among Labile Protons: Applications to Imino–Imino Sequential Walks in SARSCoV- 2-Derived RNAs

doi: 10.1002/anie.202015948

Novakovic M, Kupce E, Scherf T, Oxenfarth A, Schnieders R, Grun JT, Wirmer-Bartoschek J, Richter C, Schwalbe H, Frydman L.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60:2–10

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