Instruct Centre UK Scientist Lectures at Hercules@SESAME Training School

Yuguang Zhao (of Instruct Centre UK in Oxford) visited the SESAME synchrotron in Jordan as part of the Open-SESAME project WP2 training school that Instruct contributes to. The Hercules@SESAME school trains young researchers to exploit synchrotron radiation, with a wide range of applications and experimental techniques.

Yuguang had the opportunity to see the SESAME facility and to talk to the beamline scientists there. His lectures covered macromolecular crystallography, protein expression, crystallisation, data collection, experimental phasing, molecular replacement, model building and refinement, as part of preparing for commissioning of the MX beamline, which is still under construction at SESAME.

Yuguang Zhao introduces the Hercules@SESAME school to The Phase Problem in X-ray crystallography.


A total of twenty four students attended from SESAME member countries (Jordan, Egypt, Iran, Cyprus, Pakistan, Turkey) and non-SESAME countries (Morocco and Kenya), with variety of scientific backgrounds - including physics, chemistry and life science. The school was also integrated with some industrial audience from Jordan.

The Hercules@SESAME Training School class of 2019.